Staten Island, New York
Under the Grand Lodge of The State of New York
W:. David Valvik - Master
The Great Kills Masonic Lodge #912 F&AM is one of 7 Masonic Lodges located on Staten Island. The Lodge meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 8 P.M. in the Tottenville Masonic Building located at 236 Main Street, Staten Island, NY 10307. There are no meetings on National Holidays or during the months of July and August.
Great Kills is a member of the Richmond Masonic Association. It is also under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of The State of New York.
Click the icon to access the Grand Lodge of the State of New York
Brothers - Please don't forget the Brotherhood Fund!
updated 05/07/07 - all pages are property of Welshco Copyright pending.
Member of the Operative Web Masons Guild